Home Learning

Through our google classroom we have been learning all about chocolate, 
we even wrote our own chocolate poems...

Take a look at Marty's!

Mmmm chocolate! By Marty Worsnop

I see you sitting there,

On the cupboard shelf.

Inviting and glistening glare,

I grab you from the shelf.

One bite, two bite, three bite, four,

Mmm chocolate I want more.

Its caramel it creamy,

Mmm chocolate you're dreamy!

I have eaten half the bar,

What a greedy pig I am.

I can't stop eating its bizarre,

Chocolate in my mouth I cram.

One bite, two bite, three bite, four,

Mmm chocolate I've got no more.

Maybe mum will go to the shop,

Mmm chocolate I ate the lot!!

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