
Computing - Micro:bits

 Today, we have been exploring the use of micro:bits to code our own disco dance. We coded the micro:bit to start and stop the motor as well as adding light patterns with LED strips.


In English, we've been exploring noun phrases, but did you know that in the English language there is a specific order to the adjectives that you use? For example... You can't have : A green, big dragon But you can have: A big, green dragon Try it out yourself with some different adjectives, which sounds correct?

Science - Forces

  This week, we have been investigating levers, pulleys and gears. Here were have created our own wind powered pulley system. 


  This week, we have used the lino prints, that we carved, to create a printed design. Next, we are going to add our print designs onto a tote bag! 

Computing - Filming techniques

 In Computing, we have been learnign about different filming techniques. We have explored the following shots close up, mid shot, long shot, moving, side by side, high, low or normal. 

Climate Change Conference

This week, we attended the Climate Change Conference at Leed University. We took part in worshops, talks and discussions about climate change. Before designing what a sustainable future could look like for us as we get older. 


This term we are using the short film 'Alma' to inspire our writing. So far we have described the character of Alma as she wanders carefreely through a deserted wintery town. Next week we will be exploring the rest of the story and creating our own narratives based upon the video. You can watch it here:   "Her wispy hair fluttered as she pulled her hat lower, trying to protect her ears from the biting cold of the wind."