
Friday 10 May 2024

Internet safety

Today, we had the Google Team in who delivered an assembly all about internet safety! We managed to earn Internet Legendary status! 

Monday 18 March 2024


In Year 5, we are learning all about gestation periods. 

In groups, we predicted how long each mammal's gestation period is. 

Victoria said, "I think the elephant has the longest gestation period as it is the biggest"

Nelly agreed with this prediction and said, "The mouse's gestation period must be really short as they are small." 

After, we researched the gestation periods and found lots of our predictions were correct. 

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Making bread!

As part of our D.T topic, year 5 made a variety of bread. We had baguettes, naan bread and tortilla. 

Wednesday 28 February 2024


Today we developed our fluency skill by reading to each other, in pairs. We thought about expression and accuracy. 

We are loving our new book 'Rain Player'!

Monday 26 February 2024


On Friday, we had the best day creating our own individual dips and bread! After, we evaluated our food. We were really proud of our creations. 

Monday 22 January 2024

Friday 1 December 2023


This week in Geography, children used four figure grid references to locate places in Leeds city centre. We really enjoyed this practical activity!

Thursday 23 November 2023


Today in science, we investigated the effects of air resistance. We had to create a parachute that had the most air resistance. After designing and creating our parachutes, we dropped them from a height. We found out that parachutes which had a larger surface area created the most air resistance!

Friday 27 October 2023

Monday 3 July 2023

Self Portraits

We've been creating self portraits using words that reflect our individual sense of self...

We even included written words from our cultures

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Water Resistance

Check out one of our VLOGs all about water resistance!

Monday 24 April 2023


In Year 5 we explore The Maya and their legacy...this includes CHOCOLATE!

We began by trying out the traditional Mayan recipe for chocolatyl; a drink made from cacao. It was very bitter and had a bit of a spicy kick!
We simmered cocoa, and added cinnamon and chili; before using different pouring techniques to create a frothiness that was typical of the Mayan Chocolatyl.

We smelled the spices

We poured the chocolatyl from height to build the froth

We then taste tested and adapted the recipe to suit our modern tastebuds!


We've been exploring forces like water resistance...

We created our own mini documentaries about water resistance to share our knowledge with others!

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Music Tech

We're exploring different uses of technology and one of them is music...
We've been thinking about how modern music production has evolved and how producers now don't even need physical instruments or a studio, they can just use a laptop/tablet!

You can have a go at home!

Friday 24 March 2023

How good are you at your times tables?
We're discovering how much they can help us with other areas of maths...

How about some times table games?!

Friday 17 March 2023

Dr Maggie

We had a very exciting virtual visit from Dr Maggie, the author of 'Am I made of stardust?'

After School

We loved the outdoor adventurous activities with West Leeds Activity Centre this week!
They have been visiting to provide some exciting after school opportunities

Friday 27 January 2023

Reading for pleasure

We have shared some of our favourite books in the library. If you're around, come and take a look! 

Monday 23 January 2023

NSPCC Number Day

 Number Day is on its way!!
Number day is taking place on the 3rd of February and we will be taking a new twist on number day this year. This year our number day will be linked to shape, space and measure. we will be participating in interactive maths activites all day, exploring everything linked to number and shape!

Can you create your own number themed outfit?

Thursday 19 January 2023


This week in Maths, year 5 had a go at dividing a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number. We really enjoyed the challenge! 


Next week we're visiting Magna!

We're super excited! 

Watch this space for more updates

Wednesday 4 January 2023


This term we are beginning by using the short film 'Alma' to inspire our writing.
Take a look here!

Monday 12 December 2022

Fw: Victorian Christmas

Did you know that many of our Western Christmas traditions were born in Victorian times...
Take a look here!
We've been exploring these traditions in class, including some weird and wacky Christmas cards!

You could try some Victorian Christmas crafts at home:

Wednesday 16 November 2022


We're exploring Automata in DT and are going to be designing and producing our very own!
Take a look at some here: