Join your Google Classroom

In years 3, 4,5 and 6, teachers will set work and communicate using Google Classroom. Google Classroom is an online classroom that pupils can join to receive and send learning and view teacher feedback. To set up an account and join your classroom use the instructions below. If you have any problems, use purple mash to email your teacher.
On your device (computer, tablet or phone), go onto google. Click sign in - located in the top corner.

Now begin creating your account. To do this click create account.

Then click ‘for myself’

Enter your details, choose a username (this will become your login) and a password before clicking next.

Add information for your account security. This will be used if you were to forget your login. Then click next.

Read and tick if you agree to the Google terms before clicking create account.

 Your account is set up. You should see in the top corner your first initial (of the account you set up). Click the small grid of square which I have highlight with a red box and select Classroom. If you are using a tablet or phone download the Google Classroom App to sign in (it is completely free).

 Click continue

Click the add button.

Select join class.

Enter the code for your year group’s class and click join.
Year 5 Class Code is: yxe372v
You have now entered your virtual classroom.

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