Our new hall was officially opened today with an assembly looking at the work of Christoph Niemann. Ask you child about his amazing doodles and check out his work here: http://www.christophniemann.com/
In Year 5, we are learning all about gestation periods. In groups, we predicted how long each mammal's gestation period is. Victoria said, "I think the elephant has the longest gestation period as it is the biggest" Nelly agreed with this prediction and said, "The mouse's gestation period must be really short as they are small." After, we researched the gestation periods and found lots of our predictions were correct.
Today in science, we investigated the effects of air resistance. We had to create a parachute that had the most air resistance. After designing and creating our parachutes, we dropped them from a height. We found out that parachutes which had a larger surface area created the most air resistance!