
Showing posts from February, 2019

Parent - Teacher Consultations

Have you booked your appointment yet?  If not, please use this link:

Maths Homework



This week's spellings are words that are often confused: people does their which knew here where were  together quiet Write these words out and try to use them accurately in a sentence!

Grand Opening New Hall

Our new hall was officially opened today with an assembly looking at the work of Christoph Niemann. Ask you child about his amazing doodles and check out his work here:

Star Constellation Project

As part of our topic on the Solar System, the children have made a light display to show a chosen star constellation. The children spent time working in groups to choose and research a constellation, learning about its history and position in the sky. The children painted boards and then drew on their constellation. They then drilled holes and threaded LED lights through the holes. These then lit up to show the formation of the star constellation. The children enjoyed finding out facts about the constellations and using the drill carefully to make the holes for the lights. They look great!                                      

NSPCC Number Day outfits


NSPCC number day

Y5 and Y6 worked collaboratively to solve fractions, decimals and percentages problems. We even dressed up to raise money for NSPCC. Check out our twitter page @IvesonMaths for more photos from across the school.