
Showing posts from March, 2022

Forces and Roller Coasters!

This term we've been exploring forces... Today we've been exploring the effects of gravity and mass on momentum, acceleration p, and velocity. We have started building our own loop-the-look 'roller coaster' marble runs and have been predicting how different balls will fare through the loop. We predict that the greater the mass to surface area ratio then the quicker the ball will travel. This is because there will be less friction and air resistance affecting the ball's travel.

PE English Guided Reading

In English we are writing a set of instructions linked to a Guided Reading Text we studied earlier. We used evidence from Rain People to include equipment and rules as features of our writing.  Get Outlook for iOS

Fractions decimals and percentages

Take a look at this problem we did today!  How would you work it out?

Woodland Trust

Celebrating 50 years of the Woodland Trust we planted ten saplings on a beautiful spring afternoon.  Get Outlook for iOS


We've been working really hard at sketching using perspective. Last week we used single point perspective and today we've used two point perspective to create 3D drawings. Thank a look at our cityscapes...


We have been learning about the use of single point perspective in our art lessons, take a look at these master pieces!

World Book Day

We had a fantastic day yesterday dressing up as our favourite characters.  Get Outlook for iOS