
Showing posts from May, 2020

Writing Challenge

Challenge! Story starter! The Great House had many hidden treasures. As a 10 year old girl, many of the rooms were out of bounds for Elsa, but her desire for adventure often got the better of her… She peeked back over over shoulder to check that the coast was clear. She could hear one of the butlers clattering around in the kitchens at the far end of the hall; no one knew she was there. She carefully turned the ornate, golden door handle, hearing the mechanism inside clunk, and eased the heavy, wooden door open just enough to slip inside the room. Immediately, Elsa was bathed in light as it poured down from the circular windows in the ceiling. She could see dust dancing in the beams of sunlight. With a flutter of excitement inside her chest, she strode confidently into the centre of the room, her shoes click-clacking off the chessboard-like floor. She loved this library – it felt like she was 'in' history. How many lords and ladies had graced t...

Guiness World Record TTRockStars

Have you got what it takes to become a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® title holder? We are inviting you to attempt a Guinness World Records title by answering as many times tables questions correctly as you can in one minute. Guinness World Records has created a new title - Highest score achieved on 'Times Tables Rock Stars' in one minute - and we are looking for players to aim for this special accolade. HOW DO I TAKE PART? It's simple: get a world-beating score in a Studio game, make sure it's captured in a video and send a link to that video  to by the end of Thursday 4th June (11:59pm GMT).

Extra activities

Log into purple mash and access extra daily activities!    👈

Writing Challenge

Challenge! It came from the sea, calmly at first. An enormous, slithering tentacle slowly oozing its way over the top of the sea wall, exploring the metal and concrete shapes with suckers the size of your front door. Then, as more and more people came, and shrieks and cries of alarm filled the air, the creature became angry. All hell broke loose… In an almighty tangle of limbs and water and buildings and people, the beast came violently exploding out of the frothing water. The normally sturdy metal supports of the buildings groaned under the extreme weight of the gigantic tentacles crushing them. Panic. Complete panic set in. But where had the creature come from? What did it want? How could anybody stop it? There wasn't time for people to think. Only to run… Can you create the monster? Now try to write the rest of the story!

Home learning

Home Learning Resources Access additional learning resources through the BBC Here you'll find lessons and resources which you can access via any internet enabled device. There are three different lessons uploaded every day.   👈

VE Day

Log into Purple Mash to take a look at some of the VE Day activities   👈 Try making bunting, a flag or even a poster! Madison painted these flags


If you're after further maths resources to use at home, take a look at some of these brilliantly tailored lessons that are year group specific and free to use!   👈