
Showing posts from September, 2019

TT Rockstars

Which class will win Battle of the Bands? ​

How many points can you score on TTRockstars this week?

Look at some of our fabulous story openers!

Today we began drafting our own creepy ghost stories, these were inspired by Thomas Palmer's Ghost Stories that are based in Leeds.

Our Spellings are here!

It looks like we need a little more practise on our -tion and -sion suffixes so here are our words for this week Height Increase Length Minute Weight Invention Injection Action Hesitation Completion Expression Discussion Confession Permission Admission

Have you tried Serial Mash yet?

There are so many FREE   ebooks available with your purple mash account. How many can you get through?
Next week we will be writing our own ghost stories, take a look at some tips and tricks to help make yours even better!

It's almost time for bike to school week!!


This week's spellings!

We have a long list of spellings this week! How will you do on the test this Friday? possess,  possession ,  particular,  peculiar ,  pressure,   invention,  injection,  action, hesitation,  completion,   expression,  discussion,  confession,  permission,  admission  

Year 5 Spellings

Here are our spellings ready for the test on Friday (13th September). forgetting forgotten beginning beginner prefer preferred    limiting limited limitation gardening gardener

Welcome Back

We hope you've had a fantastic summer break and are ready for the start of another great year at Iveson! We're going to be spending the next few days in school getting everything ready for your first day back, but we'll see you ready and raring to go on Wednesday. We hope you're as excited for the start of term as we are!