
Showing posts from July, 2019

Do you want to take part in the Maths Challenges over the summer? Do you want your children to keep busy over the holidays practising their maths skills?

We are running two maths challenges over the summer - see the details and links below.  Real-life Maths Challenges  Click on the year group you have just finished and bring in as many of the answers as possible on a sheet of paper. You can do one question or all the questions! There will be some prizes for children who return their work in September.        2. TT Rockstars  There will be prizes awarded to children who achieve the most points on TT Rockstars over the summer holidays. Miss Armitage will check the results in September.  Times tables are essential to l...


This week's spellings are:  available awkward embarrass mischievous government necessary recommend sincerely thorough vegetable


This week's spellings are: mention natural potatoes probably quarter recent reign remember separate straight


This week's spellings are: continue difficult eighth guard heard increase length occasionally particular possess