
Showing posts from May, 2019


This week, we have been looking at lines of symmetry. We created our own symmetry pictures with the help of nature.


This week your spellings are: embarrass  existence explanation especially  exaggerate  environment bargain  bruise  category  cemetery  

Page Suggestion

Hi, I am inquiring about whether you may be interested in linking to our site from your page? Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables. The site is a very simple game but I think kids will find it a really fun way to learn their times tables. I wondering whether this could be a useful resource for your site readers? Thank you very much for your consideration. Kind Regards, Sarah Sarah Watts


This week's spellings are: where were wear there their they're new knew no know

Spider plant investigation

In year 5 we have been learning about the asexual and the sexual reproduction of plants. We have planted a spider plant and we are observing how it grows taking measurements and recording our findings. We will be hopefully be propagating it's clones once it begins to grow runners. We are hoping that that year 5 will have their own spider plant before the Summer holiday. Here is our first week Michelle Weaver Year 5 teacher


Your Spellings this week are: profession  programme  achieve aggressive apparent  appreciate  definite  desperate  controversy  correspond Can you use the sentences with in a sentence?


This week's spellings are: marvellous monstrous mischievous nought brought fought enough dough borough bough