
Showing posts from November, 2018


This week, we'd like you to reflect on your multiplication skills. What do you still need to practise? Which multiplication facts are still catching you out? How are you going to make sure that you know these facts? Practise your times tables up to 12 x 12. Ask a grown up, sibling or friend to test you! Write down the facts that you need to practise and learn them by heart.   After that, you can pick a number (any number) and complete the following calculations: Add 17. Double it. Multiply by 10. Halve it. Subtract 7. Multiply by 6 Square it. (multiply it by itself e.g. 4 x 4 = 16) Find its factors ( factors are numbers that we multiply together to make another number e.g. 2 and 3 are factors of 6 because 2 x 3 =6) Divide it by 4.  In addition, you can practise your short and/or long multiplication. Pick any numbers to make multiplication calculations: 2-digit by 1 digit e.g. 24 x 6 = ? 3-digit by 1 digit e....


Next week, we will be writing adverts. In preparation, we would like you to research different adverts that you see on television or in newspapers/magazines etc.  Choose one advertisement which you think is interesting and write about it under the following headings: What is being advertised? Who is the advert aimed at? e.g. children/teenagers/men/women etc. How does the advert persuade you to buy the product? (describe the language they use/the images/use of music/slogans etc.) Is the advert effective? Why? Why not?

Spellings 23.11.2018

Spellings this week are focusing on the suffix -ation  information preparation decoration donation registration population duration vibration station deflation  Can you find any other examples? 


This week we have been practising using direct speech in our writing. We'd like you to record a conversation using direct speech. This could be a real conversation that you have had or an imagined conversation between some fictional characters.  Remember to punctuate the conversation properly!   Speech marks Correct usage of speech marks is explored, through the medium of a cartoon with voice over. Punctuation (exclamation marks, question marks, commas) is demonstrated ...


This week's spellings are: observant observation expectant expectation hesitant hesitation tolerant toleration substance substantial 

Doves won the fortnight battle of the bands on TT Rockstars

Image Will your class win next time? Times Table Rockstars - Login Your family, school or organisation ...


In Maths, we have been looking at statistics. Take a look at the following links to get some practise at home.   BBC - KS2 Bitesize Maths - Interpreting data : Read Data means information. Graphs, charts and tables are used to represent this information and make it easier to understand ...

Cave Paintings

We have had lots of fun learning about cave paintings this week. The children looked at the different examples that have been found in countries such as Spain and France and then used these as inspiration to create their own. They looked wonderful and the children thoroughly enjoyed exploring ways to make their pictures appear aged by adding 'cracks' and experimenting with texture and colour!

Diary Writing

This week we have been writing diary entries from the perspective of Torak from our class book, Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. In order to do this effectively, the children have participated in lots of drama activities. They used freeze frames and hot-seating to explore how Torak felt at significant moments in the text and used this as a basis for their writing. The children were fantastic! They showed a real understanding of the character's motives. We think we may have some future Oscar winners here at Iveson!


Following on from our work on statistics this week, we would like you to collect some data and present it for us. You can present the information in one of the following ways: a tally chart a table a pictogram a bar chart a line graph For example, you might want to record the number of minutes each family member spends reading each day and create a bar chart to compare the results. You might want to conduct a survey amongst your family members about favourite television programmes and present it as a pictogram. Remember to use a ruler and ensure that your data is neatly presented and labelled!


These are some common words which are often confused. Please practise these words and write them in a sentence. where wear were we're they're their there to too two