This week your spellings are focusing on the suffix ed 1. stopped 2. studied 3. excited 4. grabbed 5. admitted 6. carried 7. stayed 8. played 9. lived 10. stared Can you spot the rules with this ending?
After half-term we will be writing diary entries based on the character of Torak from Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. For homework, we'd like you to write your own diary entry. You can choose to write this in one of the following ways: Write a diary entry about something you do during the holidays. Choose a well-known character from a book and write a diary entry from their perspective. Create your own character and write a diary entry from their perspective.
Following on from our learning and discussions about Black History Month, we would like you to research the life of a prominent black person. This could be someone from history, or someone alive now, who you think has led an interesting life. You can present this research in any of the following ways: a poster a poem a non-chronological report.
This week, we have used our Guided Reading sessions to explore different stories relating to Black History. The children have read a variety of articles and poems about slavery and the lives and work of inspirational black people such as Benjamin Odeje, Mae Jemison and Maya Angelou. We have used these articles to discuss the issues the stories raised and reflect on how we can learn from the past. We will be using these discussions as a basis to write our own poems on diversity next week!
Next week, we are starting our new topic in Science which is all about materials therefore, we would like you to draw one of the rooms in your house and label all the different materials that you can see.
Well done Doves 2 wins out of 2! Lets keep our unbeaten record and beat Swifts next week. A whole class effort will lead us to victory! See Mrs Bowes if you need a login reminder.
This week, we have embraced the Stone Age lifestyle and gone hunting with spears! We managed to catch a woolly rhinoceros, a sabre-tooth tiger and a woolly mammoth. We also went out gathering berries.
Who will win next week? Times Table Rockstars In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.
This week's spellings are: antiseptic anti-clockwise antidote automatic autograph antisocial anticlimax autocue autopilot autobiography Can you spot the prefixes? How do they change the root word?
For your homework this week, we would like you to develop your problem solving skills and resilience. Have a go at these 3 challenges: 3 Matchstick Puzzlers Solutions to puzzles: Special thanks to Patreon supporter Kyle If you like my videos, you can support me at Patreon: http ...
Next week, we will be starting to look at using formal written methods for addition. Watch the following video to get ahead; Math Antics - Multi-Digit Addition - YouTube Learn More at Visit for more Free math videos and additional subscription based content!
Next week, we are going to be using imperative verbs in Design Technology. Can you guess how we are going to use them? Imperative Verbs Song A catchy rock song which shows how to use an imperative verb (a bossy doing word). A perfect song for KS1 & 2 to sing-a-long to.