
Showing posts from November, 2017


Sent from my iPadIn year 5, we have been carving potatoes to make prints. Inspired by cave paintings, we produced our own designs before starting the carving process.

New First Team Kit


Seated Volleyball

Friday fun with a game of seated volleyball #collaboration #socialskills #corebalance


Don't forget to keep practising your multiplication facts!  Have a go with the following game:

Homework 24.11.2017

For your homework, I would like to create your own advert for your favourite food. Watch adverts online and on TV to help you, but also take the time to read adverts in magazines, newspapers and billboards.  To upload your homework straight to me use the following link:

Maths Challenges

Maths Challenges Have a go at at least one of these challenges. Try all 3 for 5 Dojo points!  To upload your challenges straight to me use the following link:

Spellings 24.11.2017

This week we are looking at the suffix 'able' Our spellings are;  avoidable enjoyable  reliable manageable comfortable  acceptable  believable   forgettable  laughable  breakable  Can you find out the meaning of the suffix? Can you think of any more examples?  

Material and their properties

This week, we have been investigating materials and their properties. We used thermochromic sheets to test whether our materials conducted heat and magnets to test if they were magnetic. In addition to this, we felt and looked at the materials to explore hardness and transparency. "Wow, they look like orbs." "A liquid that's magnetic!" "The colour changed. They must conduct heat." "Look at this it is hard when you press it, then it goes runny."

Homework 17.11.17

This week, I would like you to complete a science investigation. I would like you to investigate the 3 states of matter. Describe how the particles within them are different? What are their characteristics? You can use illustrations to support your ideas. Then find examples for each state. Upload your homework via the link or bring it into school.

Spellings 17.11.17

This week we are looking at the prefix 'anti'  antiseptic  anticlockwise antisocial  antibiotic  antibacterial  antibody  antibodies  antidotes  antifreeze anticlimax  How does the prefix change the meaning of the word? Can you find any other examples? 

Written multiplication Methods

Multiplication facts You need to know your multiplication facts up to 12 x 12.  Gotta recall 'em all! Once you have cracked that, you can have a go at some written multiplication! Have a go at short multiplication use the following link to help refresh your memory; Mastered short multiplication?  Have a go at some long multiplication. Refresh your memory with the following video;

This Week's Spellings

This week we are looking at the prefix 'un' The spellings are; unfortunately  uncertain  unbelievable  unexpected unfamiliar  uncomfortable  unpleasant  unbearable  unusual  unfamiliar  Challenge: How does the prefix change the meaning of the word? Can you find any other words which have the same prefix? 

Stone Age Houses

Today, we continued our Stone Age house project. Now that our base was complete, we were able to start building the structure of the house using clay.

Stone Age House Project

This week, we have been continuing with our Stone Age models. Now that the base was finished, we started constructing the structure of the houses using clay. 


Weekend Diary Entry This week, for your homework, I would like you to write a diary entry about something you did over the weekend. Use the your diary writing skills which you have developed this week e.g. past tense, first person.  You may use the following link to upload your homework and send it directly to me.

This Week's Spellings

01.11.2017  This week's spellings are looking at the prefix 'mis' misunderstanding  misuse  misbehave misinform misjudged  misinterpret  misguided  misshapen  misdiagnose  mislaid  Challenges Can you find out how the prefix 'mis' changes the meaning of a word? Are you able to find any other words which have this prefix?